Here are some of my favourites of the beautiful little baby boy Kye, who was only 5 weeks and 4 days old when they where taken. Such a cute baby and such loving wonderful parents. Thanks Amanda and Ben for the honour of taking your new born photos. xox

As soon as I saw this bear I just knew I had to use it in the photos, so perfect for holding a little baby. So sweet and beautiful.

I love this photos because having Amanda's hand there really shows how little he is and it's just such a loving gesture.

I love a naked baby! So adorable!

I absolutely love these photos of Amanda and Kye, so loving, so beautiful and so cute! Love Kye's little bottom and those tiny toes peaking out the bottom.

I chose a lot in black and white from this shoot, it just looks so clasic and beautiful. I do love the colour too though, the
colour of that baby skin against the black.
This photo I think is georgeous, really shows how little he is on Daddy's arm.

Ben is such a wonderful Dad and husband. Such a proud Daddy of his little boy too. The black and white here, Kye was actually getting upset for a feed but you wouldn't know it in this photo, the way Ben comforts him and looks at him.

Such a beautiful family.
Right at the end of the shoot Kye decided to show us his smile - and doesn't that smile light up his Mummy's face!
Thanks guys for a great photo shoot. Love to all.
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